Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I need a new hobby; this one seems to be costing me too much.
But- of course- I can’t help it! It’s an addiction!!

I was recently going through my bookshelf, packing things up and whatnot when I decided to count all of the books I had bought from January till now- 49 books all together. I decided then to find out how much I have actually spent on books so I did some research- looked through the receipts- a little over $400 dollars. >Of course I have read all of them, and enjoyed every single one- and I have a few releases coming out every month- each month including two releases… That and I am continually finding to stuff, so… Maybe next year I can make it a goal to buy 100 books in one year? I don’t think I would have the space, and I really want to upgrade my computer with a new memory disc, some video quality upgrades, and some cool new software in Microsoft, Adobe, and Nero. I am all over new software updates.

I think I would like to get a monitor that’s bigger than my… 16 inch (?) wide screen… maybe a cool 20” or 25”! That would rock. I also need new speakers and a couple new fans- not to mention the games to actually use the gaming software with!

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