Monday, February 8, 2010

A Thought.

A thought I had while in the shower earlier today:

The man must insist upon rest at some point, thus says, universally, our natural knowledge. And those who play more on their passions more than on their physical self is considered unhealthy and need to be medicated. Yet- it is the same for the opposite. A man who insists upon rest more than he perhaps should by society is considered lazy or unambitious- and thus- something is the matter with him.

Because, perhaps society focuses more on a 'normal' man than on the diverse population?
Isn't 'normal' just an opinion?

I am, as many others are; Medicated. Why? Because I am unhappy, and mankind should not be unhappy.

Mankind should not be unhappy.

That is an egotistical phrase. Who are we to say we must not suffer? Does not God say we might suffer the woes of life so that we might not learn?

And so man tries to remedy these things.

Utopia might never exist.Because of the diversity of us all. One man says he will have Utopia if only he might not feel pain... and yet He that never feels pain claims it is too much of a bore and that he would rather suffer like the rest of us. Utopia cannot exist if there are so many of us born who contradict one another's values, opinions, passions. And so Medication again is brought in. Those who live for conspiracy claim this is the powerful making the means for a Utopia- a world where diversity and disagreements might not exist.