I decided to take a nap earlier today and this was the outcome:
I had a dream that Apollo (who looked like a delicious Hercules) decided to leave the strange dimension of Olympus to go bother the Vampires of earth. On his way back to Olympus though, one, called Fenton (who had long curly red hair, tight leather pants, and an open black shirt. He was a complete bad boy you could imagine riding a motorcycle and owning all things leather) snuck through the dimensional portal thing with Apollo. Apparently, in my world of dreams- When Christianity began overtaking this world, the Olympians and Titans moved over to Mars, and put a spell over the planet to make it look like a wasteland.
Olympus was beautiful, full of light. It was an entire palace made of fine gold and rivers ran through porcelain tiles embedded with jewels. Rain forests rested in different areas and each room was specifically set apart for each god.
- It was awesome, I really should draw it.

Anyways- Fenton went to find this specific statue of a horse that Medusa had turned to stone under Zeus’ command. He then got on the horse and began to whisper in the beast’s ear to be rebellious. The horse then sprung to life and caused quite a ruckus in command of its rider- The Vampire Fenton.
Medusa’s spell that was put onto the horse promised a massive flood and so… obviously, Olympus soon begins to flood over.
Apollo then, with all of the other deities furious with them, runs to save the day….. This is where everything gets really foggy. I remember it had to do with some manner of book and the vampires on earth writing out an outcome they want or something, but I can’t remember how Apollo saved the day…. But apparently he did.
As punishment, Apollo takes Fenton to Theia(Titan of Brightness) where she causes him to burn slowly forever. The other vampires on earth are then take over to Olympus and brought before Zeus. One of the Vampress’ showed a lot of potential (by incredible chemistry in the beginning of the dream) to fall in love with Apollo, but in the end, Zeus asks Apollo to come up to see him, takes him by the hand and says:
“Be touched by no one save it is the woman you wish to wed. Thus and inasmuch as this, She (your beloved) who is frequented by death, shall taste death no longer to your touch”
So, then Apollo embraces Zeus and goes on his way. The Vampress meets up with him and he begs her not to touch him and that he has an errand to run. And then he goes into one of the chambers of Olympus to find Selene (Deity of the Moon) sobbing over the blackness she has to endure. He then goes and says her name, and takes her hand asking her to be his wife. Instantaneously Selene’s night gets shredded as if it was just some simple cloak about the room and brilliant light came in. She then looks at him as happy as ever shouting “Yes, oh yes!!”
And then I woke up.