I know a lot of people have been worried about my current living situations and want to be updated whenever any changes take place. So, here you are! This is my new and cute little apartment! All mine and I really love it. I am only a few minutes away from my Cousin Melanie, and 6 miles from Kate, so I am being watched over.
Kate’s family has been causing her stress and so for this first week she’s NOT slept over I think about twice from today since Saturday. I am getting a phone for those who are interested, I will contact those I know want it. Here are some pictures!
Friday, September 26, 2008
I found this the other day, its a few years old and I would say I was about 16- but it still makes me laugh everytime!!
I need a new hobby; this one seems to be costing me too much. But- of course- I can’t help it! It’s an addiction!!
I was recently going through my bookshelf, packing things up and whatnot when I decided to count all of the books I had bought from January till now- 49 books all together. I decided then to find out how much I have actually spent on books so I did some research- looked through the receipts- a little over $400 dollars. >Of course I have read all of them, and enjoyed every single one- and I have a few releases coming out every month- each month including two releases… That and I am continually finding to stuff, so… Maybe next year I can make it a goal to buy 100 books in one year? I don’t think I would have the space, and I really want to upgrade my computer with a new memory disc, some video quality upgrades, and some cool new software in Microsoft, Adobe, and Nero. I am all over new software updates.
I think I would like to get a monitor that’s bigger than my… 16 inch (?) wide screen… maybe a cool 20” or 25”! That would rock. I also need new speakers and a couple new fans- not to mention the games to actually use the gaming software with!
I woke up at 4am today and could fall back asleep worth anything, so I decided to get up and read a little. I began re-reading The Three Musketeers. I read until about 9am and only have a few chapters left; but I was sleepy again so I put it down and fell asleep on my couch.
Isn’t it funny when dreams follow up your thought process? Even though the actual theme may not be the main concern or subject in your head?
I think it can be hilarious sometime- and as I fell asleep- I dreamt of D’Artagnan pursuing me in a hot chase for my hand. The funny thing is that it wasn’t even me; this lady I was seeing the point of view from had beautiful long red flowing hair- proceeding past her waist. Her eyes sparkled with a lightness I haven’t actually seen in eyes. She was a wonder and a beauty for sure and it no comprehension why D’Artagnan was pursuing this goddess supposing to be me. But, as I dreamt- we were on our way to see the play of The Three Musketeers. The dress I wore was Gorgeous! But let’s not go into it.
Before the play, the party I was with (which D’Artagnan was not a part of, he was already at the theatre and we would meet him there) needed to make a quick stop at this magnificent architectural house comprising of the steeple towers of the 17th century and the Picasso design of the 21st century. It was quite amazing and was the home of the relatives of D’Artagnan. We stayed a long time, but the time came to get into the carriage and go to the play, so D’Artagnan could court me into his arms. Everyone left in such a hurry though they completely forgot me! But all was settled when I set eyes on the blacksmith (the family had hired for the making of a Still for moonshine) was in the backyard.
His image was stolen from a Spanish soap opera I watch at 9pm every evening for the gorgeous dresses and hairstyles. ** Pasiόn Intro **
Not to mention the men confirm just how much that gender can make a woman faint in their strong arms. I don’t watch any soap opera apart from that one, but if ABC or NBC came out with a soap opera from the 18th century I most likely would be ALL over it. Anyways- he was god, and I fell for him immediately.
It’s a poor move for any woman owning the title “her ladyship” to make. But how could I resist! Talk about the perfect romance novel. Most of my stories are from my dreams actually, but I don’t think I could pursue a story concluding the theme of “within these 260 pages I will show you how all your problems can be solved by my masculine body”
Though, not all romance novels use that theme- so there is still hope for it.
I haven’t written on my books in a while, but my continuous thought process for book titles continue to run vigorously. The other day, I was going through “A Morbid Mischief” (copyright February, 2007) and thought maybe the title was a bit too cliché. I decided to think up new titles throughout the day. My favorite title- which got a favorable/humorous reaction out of me was one I couldn’t resist putting down.
I was thinking “A Vampire in Velvet” (copyright July, 2008) was an astounding title, but it incessantly got me thinking “No that sounds more like a hot, steamy romance novel with some fruit of a jock with long hair on the cover… but I suppose he would be in velvet! Oh but of course- his chest- which would touch his chin- would have to be showing”
I made me giggle every time this comeback would run through my head. So, I suppose for now, It will remain a neat screen name for whenever I find a new website to join.
As Quentin Crisp once stated: “Style is a terrible thing to happen to anybody” Which is why I consider my own originality to be so abundantly complex. But I have been told I am the comic relief within my group of friends.
This is my life and pretty much all the little things that happen in it.
My hobbies, likes/dislikes, and personality are so very wide ranged and impulsive. Be prepared for some adventure!
If you had the chance to live in any Era in time, what would you choose?